The Reptilian deception was found out, in the Middle East. They were exiled and went into Europe. The Jews became nomadic, moving west through North Africa, then north into Western Europe. By this time, the Reptilians, (Israelites) had become a power in Europe. Their advanced knowledge creating city states, then the empires.

The Reptilians became the rulers of Europe. A central German Emperor, with the monarchies around the rest of Europe. The word “British” means “Covenant Man”, in Hebrew. All the European Monarchies are from the Twelve Tribes of Israel and direct descendants of Reptilian Anunnaki.

Many of the Tribes have moved into the political background allowing their “goyim” to form governments. These are like servants to the Tribes who now own all corporate entities. Countries are fields, that create the wealth for the Reptilians. The Jews have often been blamed for Reptilian genocide and destruction.

It was always a mystery why Jews would kill Jews. It is now known that Reptilians see Jews as just another type of goyim. The six million who died in the camps were all human beings. The Reptilians invoke the Babylonian gods: Faces of Saturn. A Priest Class and the Guild Members petition Satan using sex and human sacrifice.

The Reptilians have often used deceit to meet their goals, such as the Nazis. After the war, many of them were given high profile posts in NATO, NASA, and even the EU. Those who were not of their Death Cult were discarded, just as the German people were. This is what has created the situational Event we are experiencing just now.

Published by Unocculted Knowledge

I am an Occultist who, having gone through years where my sole focus has been on the Occult, can give information on processes that will enhance life beyond the Matrix Illusion.

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