Saturn was known to many ancients as the creator god, El. Those who worshipped El were called, El-ites or Elites. Saturn was regarded as the First Son. The best description is the Greek story of Cronus, the terrible Titan. It may have been a humanlike manifestation of Saturn as its traits are near identical to that Force.

The reason for the Black Cube is the number -1 as explained in an earlier post. It is a representing of Nothing: Unconsciousness. Saturn is not the Nothing, but is the closest conscious Force to it. One must wonder why anyone would worship such a being: The more chaos, the more hierarchy; more destruction, more dependency is created.

Of course, people see fixing this system as a problem for another day, just like those who live near a hanging rock or volcano. The highest day of worship is Christmas. People get involved in mass consumerism. It was chosen by the Saturnine Cult, or Death Cult. Santa is an anagram for Satan, and this period was known as Saturnalia.

Birthdays and Halloween are also Satanic Dates and have similarities to the Feast of Saturnalia. Rings at weddings and above “saints” are attributed to this Force. There are Black Cubes all over the world. Some are not as noticeable as others, but they are in every major city. The Black Square of graduation belongs to this Cult too.

A hexagram looks like a Cube when lines a drawn with a Y in the middle. There is a hexagram on the Israeli Flag, a Black Cube in Mecca, and an unfolded Cube, Christ was sacrificed onto. Tetrahedrons are popular and two look like a hexagram when seen in 2D. The northern pole of planet Saturn shows a hexagon.

Published by Unocculted Knowledge

I am an Occultist who, having gone through years where my sole focus has been on the Occult, can give information on processes that will enhance life beyond the Matrix Illusion.

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