In the Transmutation Arcanum, there is shown the negative aspects of Magick or what can be called Kabbalistic Magic. It is because of links to religions and the Angel Raziel. It is believed to be the “keeper of secrets and mysteries”. This is why religious texts are important from the individual aspect, not of theContinue reading “YELLOW MAGICK”


“Place” is the third part of the Marketing Mix. The place is where products and services are exchanged. This can be at a market square or trade bazaar. In current times, it is focused on how products and services are distributed to the customers. This post will cover channels of distribution, types of channels, andContinue reading “MARKETING: PART SIX”


Many people confuse Ego with what is factual. There is philosophy that insists that there are no facts but that is untrue. Many philosophers, in their Ego, feel the need to keep producing philosophies but end up writing ones that are untrue in relation to Reality. Saying there are no facts is to destabilise everythingContinue reading “EGO DEATH”


This relates to the Sacral Chakra and is the most common Magick on this planet. The reason I use the word planet instead of realm is because this is not a flat plane nor is it a simulation. Those who think so, are wasting their time on learning Magick. This post relates to the secondContinue reading “ORANGE MAGICK”


Sex can be part of five densities of Mind for a human. It is most common in the Second Density but is now increasingly a first density experience for many. This is because of the easy availability of sexual images on the television and the internet. Much has been normalised that was once seen asContinue reading “SEX”


Red Magick is based on physical suffering. It is the Malkuth Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, though does venture into the Abyss. It is a common Magick used in this world as many people are at the Root Chakra in their spirituality. Those who are the major influencers of the Matrix are unconsciously creatingContinue reading “RED MAGICK”


The Mind has seven parts that are the fulness of consciousness in this universe. In the physical world, there are three parts as one section. In the spiritual world, there are two parts as one section and in the soulistic world, are two parts as one section. This post focuses on the physical world andContinue reading “THE LOWER MIND”


The place is mentioned in the Book of Genesis. The character Cain was exiled from the Presence of God. He lost his Divinity as a “son of god” when he killed his brother Abel. There are two sides to oneself, but one is born Divine. One is at the Heart Chakra when born, to thenContinue reading “THE LAND OF NOD”


Some may think this would belong to the Macrocosmic because it affects the physical world. It only affects the world in the Natural sense, not so much the Unnatural Matrix. The Garden of Eden was once a Natural Paradise but has now been made into an Illusion that people need to pay for to liveContinue reading “THE GUARDIAN”

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