To explain these better is to use an ancient Pyramid image. It comes in three sections. The bottom or base, the top section and the capstone. The pyramid has four faces. North, East, South and West. The bottom section is the Body. The middle section is the Spirit. The capstone is the Soul. The Soul is described as an embryo in the Occult.

This has been explained as our bodies are most developed, Spirits less developed and the Soul is still forming. If it was not, then the body would already be discarded, and one would be in another existence. If one enters another realm, they may be ethereal in it, but become physical if they were to use a body in that realm as an Avatar.

At the start of Creation, the Soul is unrecognisable, as a spark of Source Energy. It would then form a shell. In these Occult Teachings, there are seven layers to this shell. From where one is in this dimension, four are inside and two are outside. Within one’s energy field, all are in layers and related to the Chakras and the world inside of them.

The bottom part of the Pyramid is the Physical. The elements are:

NORTH: Carbon. EAST: Nitrogen. WEST: Oxygen. SOUTH: Hydrogen.

The middle part of the Pyramid is the Spiritual. The elements are:

NORTH: Earth. EAST: Air. WEST: Water. SOUTH: Fire.

The top part of the Pyramid is the Ethereal. The elements are:

NORTH: Solid. EAST: Gas. WEST: Liquid. SOUTH: Plasmid.

It may be easier to see these combined as:

NORTH: Ground. EAST: Atmosphere. WEST: Space. SOUTH: Star.

One sees water as forces acting upon it, but in a neutral state, is more like Space than any other element.

Carbon forms the hardest solids known and part of one’s body. One breathes Nitrogen, as it is in most of the air taken in, though one processes the oxygen to burn energy. Oxygen is in water which also makes up a lot of the body. Hydrogen is in the water as combined with oxygen. These four elements are the most vital for human functionality.

The Spiritual elements have had much more explanation. In their positive, spiritual place, they begin as Pentacles in the Heart Chakra. Swords in the Throat Chakra. Cups in the Third Eye Chakra and Wands in the Crown Chakra. The negative for these is Inverted Pentacles, dominant as making slaves and two warring factions as Swords.

Anyone who knows what is going on in the world will see the Pentacles as the Elites and the two factions as Fascism and Communism. All human governments are based on these either as a single system or a conflicting choice as a two or more-party system. In reality, the Elites, known as the Dark Occult, control both sides of these.

The most important part of oneself is the Soul Embryo that begins as energy, and through experiences, will develop into a full being at some time in the future. This time is called Esoteric Time. It is Real Time within where one has experiences in the Spirit as one lives in the physical. Spirit is the bridge from the physical to the Soul Embryo.

Much of one’s life on this planet is spent trying to live; to live in an Illusion created over time to keep humans away from Spirit. Spiritual creatures make poor slaves and is why many animals will just die for no apparent reason. One only has a little time in Spirit as a child before going into this Illusion. It is programming, not Esoteric Time.

One can see this when looking at certain material. People try to connect the dots using Intellect, but using Intelligence, can see that not everything can connect the way one wants it to. In the Illusion is the same. People connect the dots using logic, but it is not real. It looks good and may even feel good, but it has not been looked at intelligently.

The Mind Virus, when felt in others Empathically, is a feel good, everything is fine type of emotion shared by the herd. It is not the same as in sheep, but more like the grass the sheep feed on, if they can feel anything. From my experience, humans under this influence are similar to being in a field. A domestication but are browsed on as Ego.

Some of the material in this Project is channelled. Channelling is most effective the purer the channel, which gets better once the Soul has been fully connected and then incarnated. When in Spirit, one is led to the path that one wants to progress. One must trust that they are going in the right direction. This can only happen through the Occult.

It is believed that inside the pyramids were areas that would help people progress without outside interference. Certain chambers were used. With the ancients being so much more advanced than humans are now, it is difficult to tell how much knowledge has been lost. Fortunately, knowledge and wisdom can find a way consciously to light.

In relation to the Sun Cross, there are four bodies in the Spiritual Realm:

NORTH: Physical Body. EAST: Mental Body. WEST: Emotional Body. SOUTH: Vital Body.

As explained previously in another post, North is the Qlippoth Worlds that lead to the Abyss and can be felt more intensely in the physical. This is a Qlippoth World. To the East is the Mental Worlds which exist in the Inferior Mind or Lunar Mind. These are accessible when one dreams but are very often like the world one lives in day to day.

The Worlds of the East are past and our memories, just as Worlds of the North will be the Matrix. To the West is the future, the Creative Worlds of the Superior Mind. The Worlds to the South are present life, but in the Spirit and not the Illusion. It is not that Qlippoth is not real enough when experienced, but it does nothing to progress.

EARTH – MATERIAL: This represents the suit of Pentacles and Wealth. On one side, it is financial wealth and power in this world. On the other, it is love and companionship.

AIR – FORMATION: This represents the suit of Swords and Action. On one side, this is deception and gain through causing harm. On the other, taking action on healing.

WATER – EMOTION: This represents the suit of Cups and Creativity. There is little corruption to the higher suits. One must be aware that true emotions are not reactions.

FIRE – WILLPOWER: This represents the suit of Wands and Purpose. One must have purpose to life. The main part is to make sure it is one’s own purpose, not another’s.

There are those who use Tarot Cards as upright and reversed. Playing cards look the same reversed. The Major Arcana Hieroglyphs are the form the Tarot came as originally. There are no reversals. All of the information one needs can be found by entering the hieroglyph and the worlds within it. One can invoke the entity of each.

The Pyramid is the whole of all these areas of knowledge and probably much more. It all adds up to our existence in Creation. People are small parts of a being that will span countless years as an immortal. Life here may seem insignificant, but it is one life of many. It is rather obvious humans are not here just to work, pay bills and die.

This is the extent of the Mind Control that has been put upon humanity and mainly works not just because of the Mind Virus, but conditioning. A slave can be beaten into submission but is not truly enslaved until they are convinced that being a slave is a virtue and is honourable. Authority is a religious belief that replicates slave mind-think.

Published by Unocculted Knowledge

I am an Occultist who, having gone through years where my sole focus has been on the Occult, can give information on processes that will enhance life beyond the Matrix Illusion.

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