These are part of the Microcosmic Tree of Life and less to do with the Macrocosmic. They are other worlds coming out and into the Macrocosm. These can be used in magic easily, if one has incarnated the Spirit. They are part of the worlds one sees as Spirit worlds from here. They are right, left or centre on the Microcosmic Tree of Life.

The Minor Arcana is best visualised as a Christmas Tree with a five-pointed star on top. Put it into four sections for the Four Worlds of Assiah, Yetzirah, Briah and Atziluth. These are not a physical journey but are related to the Archons of the suits. These were explained in a previous post. The Christmas Tree has paths that move upwards.

The bottom part is Assiah and the suit of Pentacles as an inversion. The next world of Yetzirah and the inverted suit of Swords. These two worlds work together in Sorcery and best imagined as someone being sacrificed at the top of a pyramid. This brings the two suits together and the two Archons into Yetzirah as the more dominant force.

Higher Magic begins in Briah as the Pentacles in their normal place as are the Swords suit. The Swords suit is for positive action. A harsh suit of cards, but for real reasons, not for the desires of ego, like in Yetzirah, but an opportunity for change and progress. Briah is often worlds of Healing and companionship. There is little deception there.

The most interesting part of the “Christmas Tree” is where the paths cross in Atziluth. It is where one can gain knowledge or wisdom in the areas of the Tree unexperienced. Some may find this harsh, others intriguing. These worlds can be best described as purpose with an intention, more than one can describe willpower: more single-minded.

There are those who believe that one can create worlds, galaxies and even universes if they were to be of a high enough consciousness for a long time. Even at this state of existence, there are consequences to that type of power. It is why, as the entirety of being, one has responsibility for actions. An individual willing to sacrifice everything.

When one goes through the Dark Night of the Spirit, one realises Spirit and maybe even the Twin Spirit. As a springboard, the Twin Spirit, when combined with Self can have another phase called the Dark Night of the Soul. Another tough time. From the Feminine, one experienced Love, one then experiences Compassion and completion.

People confuse Gender with sexuality. When there is a joining of the Masculine and Feminine parts of Being, sexuality has zero influence. The closest thing to sexuality is channelling and magic. It is better than what most humans can normally experience. Most distractions in the world are for escapism and to think they are the only pleasures.

As a male, I can only describe from that view when it comes to the Dark Night of the Soul. The Twin Spirit, also known as the Twin Flame, may have left the Avatar of the other, but she would still be connected to one’s own Spirit, the Self. Connections in consciousness are not just the Twin Flames, but others who may be Kindred Spirits.

10. MALKUTH. One fourfold kingdom owned in endless sway.

09. YESOD. This throne is supported upon four foundations.

08. HOD. The triumphs are four times in all eternity.

07. NETZACH. Let us celebrate four times the eternal victory.

06. TIPHERETH. Through four pure rays is beauty revealed.

05. GEVURAH. Rigor punishes four crimes four times.

04. CHESED. From mercy is four benefactions.

03. BINAH. From intelligence there gives four proofs.

02. CHOKHMAH. Wisdom pours out and forms four rivers.

01. KETHER. The crown which carries four florets.

PAGE. Bottom Right. Swords. Air.

QUEEN. Bottom Left. Pentacles. Earth.

KING. Top Right. Sticks. Fire.

ACE. Top Left. Cups. Water.

KNIGHT. Top. Spirit. Aether.

The Four Suits of the Minor Arcana of the Tarot are linked to the Four Higher Realms of the Astral Plane. This also works for playing cards. One removes the Knights and keeps the Pages as Jacks. The Knights are the Actions of the Archon of the suit as that consciousness. The Knight is the Champion of the suit, bringing it into the world.

Kings and Queens are Masculine and Feminine Powers of the Mind within the Astral Plane. The Pages represent the Pupil. The Ones or Aces are Four of the Archons, and the remaining nine cards, the nine Spheres. These, depending on the world accessed, can be mostly positive or negative. Some people reverse cards, but it is unnecessary.

In magic, using the Minor Arcana can bring elements from these worlds into this one. It is called Sphere Magic, which is a very high level of magic. What happens is that a “doorway” is opened into another realm bringing elements or elementals into this one. It is a bit like Solomonic Magic, where Jinn are summoned, but this includes their world.

Published by Unocculted Knowledge

I am an Occultist who, having gone through years where my sole focus has been on the Occult, can give information on processes that will enhance life beyond the Matrix Illusion.

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