If we are to know about magic, then it is best to go back to the beginning of Creation and how the Masculine and Feminine energies came about. In the beginning there was only Source which formed from Nothing. As Nothing was devoured, there became something. Creation had not begun yet but was in the process of becoming conscious.

What eventually happened was two types of energies developed. One was energy as straight moving, and the other curved moving. One was a particle, the other, a wave. The particle is the Masculine, the wave, the Feminine. In the Quantum, Masculine is white, Feminine is black. In magic, the white energy is Adam, the black energy is Eve.

What binds and separates these energies is Source Consciousness. It is the force that includes everything in Creation. These energies created the Aeons and one of them created the foundation of this Universe. It was mentioned in the “Fall of Sophia”, the Aeon who is believed to have been corrupted and gave birth to the Archon Yaldabaoth.

This Archon is better known as its personality, Saturn or what others call, Satan. It is where Adam came into the universe and the primary source of this energy in magic. This consciousness is known by numbers and straight runes. It is the energy behind all the energy in this universe. One may think of this consciousness as the Artisan.

Saturn was known as Kronos to the ancient Greeks. It became the most polarised of all consciousnesses in this universe. On one side, a magnificent creator, on the other, feeding on the universe as its devourer. It became a control system and those entities formed then, slaves to it. After quite a long time, another consciousness was born.

This is the Archon Iao. The personality for this consciousness is Jupiter. She is called, “king of the gods” but is a feminine principle, where Saturn is masculine. Where Saturn is instinct to survive and dominate, Jupiter is Ego and insecurity. The thoughts that are created in the brain related to Iao are of the Lunar Mind in the occult. Two-Dimensional.

This consciousness changed some straight runes; these became curves and formed letters. One may think of computer programming and this form of magic does have that format. The entities that live in that dimension are browsers of sentient life. These are where basic emotions come from, such as irrational fear and fake thought forms.

Saturn and Jupiter behave often like one entity, each feeding off the other. One creates Ego and the other devours it. One may call the second dimension, the Garden of Eden. It is where dreams are made for those in the Lower Density of the Mind. It is the Ego Spirit that decays in time though past lives and dreams may be passed on genetically.

The Ego Spirit is not the same as the True Spirit. It is more likely to become part of a mineral, plant or even an animal. This is called the Law of Recurrence, and this needs a post of its own. This is only if it incarnates in the Third Dimension which we are in. It can become a parasite known as a Shadow which is one’s phantom in a lower realm.

The cooperation of Saturn and Jupiter created an even more dystopian control system. Everything in it was manipulated and deceived, having the illusion of free will. This was until the next consciousness was born. Ego began as Eve in the Garden of Eden. She did not come from Adam, but the energy from Outside this universe, Aeon Sophia.

One could write that the Masculine was corrupted yet again and created Ego, but there is this energy outside the universe, but not as high a percentage as here. The third consciousness is Archon Sabaoth. As a personality, may be known as Mars. It is the consciousness that brought death to beings and a type of freedom from their slavery.

Apples are mentioned as poisonous in Fairy Tales. This could be from the Garden of Eden Story. Adam and Eve left the Garden after eating the poisonous apple in death. This would have been the beginning of reincarnation. There would have been no Spirit then and no Soul. Creation of the Spirit would come about within the Fourth Dimension.

The magic of the first three dimensions is called Sorcery and requires much physical input. It is the combination of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars. It is often depicted as an inverted Pentagram, Baphomet or the Devil. Some call the magic, Witchcraft, but this is inaccurate. Witchcraft changes depending on the dimension one is using for magic.

Witchcraft works much better in the second dimension as it involves the Ego, the most common reason for using it. It is a more feminine form and so those who use it for Ego do better as females or have transgendered. Even though survival and action are represented by Saturn and Mars, the magic is more for combat in the masculine form.

Reversing the Pentagram into the upright position can bring the better side of Sorcery into being. This is often associated with Gaia, though this consciousness spans many dimensions in this world. It is more of the passive form and to allow events to happen passively, rather than go out and cause them. A subtle way of manipulating the world.

The universe is not stationary. High Magic works on possibilities coming into one’s life, Lower Magic, more as these probabilities being increased. One is in an energetic field within a larger field within an even larger one. The more density, the more one affects the Microcosm, which is in the Macrocosm, which then, is in the overall Metacosm.

One lives in the present, but that consists of the past and future at one time. The Spirit or True Self lives in the Fourth Dimension and is forward in time from where one is in the Body or Avatar. The past and future gives one’s reality a consistency. It forms a loop which one does not see but is moved and influenced as one creates possibilities.

The masculine and feminine energies are not about sexuality, but gender principles of the universe which are found everywhere. Light curves as the feminine, but this also travels in a straight line as the masculine. In Creation, all things are observed by one Source. This Source has evolved past anything in this universe but is everywhere.

Published by Unocculted Knowledge

I am an Occultist who, having gone through years where my sole focus has been on the Occult, can give information on processes that will enhance life beyond the Matrix Illusion.

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