There are many disputes about the Tarot and its origins. Many groups from the past have it as their own “invention”. It is nobody’s invention. It forms in the Mind as the Archetypes that began in Creation and reflect from the End. It is the Alpha and Omega. There is no real End, but isContinue reading “ANCIENT TAROT”


In this world, one is brought up as a description in the physical but this is only a small part of who one is. What one really is, is a luminous egg which contains Sexual Energy. This energy is linked to other dimensions through certain glands found in the body, though these can also beContinue reading “SEXUAL ENERGY”


These relate only to the Physical Body. Anything of the Superior sensations is of Spirit and are more emotional than feeling. There is a way one can increase how we feel in the electromagnetic sense, but this post is about Desire, rather than Love or any other positive, higher force. It is to explain desireContinue reading “THE FIVE SENSATIONS OF DESIRE”


This is the card of new beginnings and the reversal of the Old Life. It ties in with the Transmutation Hieroglyph as Change. One can think that calling this person a fool is harsh, but one must admit when they are wrong and have been mistaken. All are wrong to trust this system and toContinue reading “THE FOOL CARD”


In both Spirituality and the Occult, a person who has not discovered their True Self, has been likened to a Caterpillar. This is where one exists in the world and has a very small view of it. One’s only function is to keep living with similar goals as those around and before, with the onlyContinue reading “SELF-DISCOVERY”


The entity of this card is of Change. When invocation of the card is achieved, it is not directly felt. It is in the ambient. At this stage, the ambient would be unknown of. At a later stage, it is all-surrounding for many hundreds of metres. It is felt most keenly closer, but strong influencesContinue reading “TRANSMUTATION”

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