This relates to the Sacral Chakra and is the most common Magick on this planet. The reason I use the word planet instead of realm is because this is not a flat plane nor is it a simulation. Those who think so, are wasting their time on learning Magick. This post relates to the secondContinue reading “ORANGE MAGICK”


The place is mentioned in the Book of Genesis. The character Cain was exiled from the Presence of God. He lost his Divinity as a “son of god” when he killed his brother Abel. There are two sides to oneself, but one is born Divine. One is at the Heart Chakra when born, to thenContinue reading “THE LAND OF NOD”


Some may think this would belong to the Macrocosmic because it affects the physical world. It only affects the world in the Natural sense, not so much the Unnatural Matrix. The Garden of Eden was once a Natural Paradise but has now been made into an Illusion that people need to pay for to liveContinue reading “THE GUARDIAN”


In this world, one is brought up as a description in the physical but this is only a small part of who one is. What one really is, is a luminous egg which contains Sexual Energy. This energy is linked to other dimensions through certain glands found in the body, though these can also beContinue reading “SEXUAL ENERGY”


The Archons are the most important part of the Occult. They are omitted from much of modern Secret Societies, but that is to focus on the first three that are the Inverted Pentagram. These lock people into the physical and away from the true spirituality that is required. In the ancient world, they were veryContinue reading “THE SEVEN ARCHONS”

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