There are many disputes about the Tarot and its origins. Many groups from the past have it as their own “invention”. It is nobody’s invention. It forms in the Mind as the Archetypes that began in Creation and reflect from the End. It is the Alpha and Omega. There is no real End, but isContinue reading “ANCIENT TAROT”


The entity of this card is of Change. When invocation of the card is achieved, it is not directly felt. It is in the ambient. At this stage, the ambient would be unknown of. At a later stage, it is all-surrounding for many hundreds of metres. It is felt most keenly closer, but strong influencesContinue reading “TRANSMUTATION”


The Tree of Life is multidimensional and has layers of density going from the Root Chakra or first density to the Crown Chakra or seventh density. There are other ways of looking at the Tree, but I will begin by describing the seven densities and the Serpent winding through the Sephiroth. The Pillars represent MasculineContinue reading “TREE OF LIFE: MICROCOSMIC”

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